Invest Launches Multiple New Programs

March and April 2024 have been and will be a period of growth and transformation for Invest Hamilton County. We have new initiatives launching in the disability employment, child care, reentry and K-12 spaces. These initiatives will help guide the continued growth and...

About that Labor Market

The U.S. Economy added over 350,000 jobs in January… a great month with a lot of positive momentum to show. This comes amid headline after headline on high profile firms laying off workers, so what’s going on and how does it affect our local market?  Overall,...

Talent InSight 2030

Invest Hamilton County, in coordination with over a dozen corporate, civic, education, and philanthropic partners has produced a labor market forecast for the state’s fastest growing county going out to the year 2030. Talent InSight 2030 is a comprehensive forecasting...

Looking Back…and Forward!

Growth can sometimes be accompanied by pain(s). It also is often accompanied by hope and the manifestation of dreams and aspirations. In 2023 our organization and the county saw a great deal of dreams delivered AND momentum built…   When I look back at 2023...