What’s Happening In Hamilton County

Workforce Insights

Workforce Blog

Invest Hamilton County expands InvestOnward initiative

  Invest Hamilton County continues to drive workforce development solutions in Hamilton County by expanding career pathway development, training and resources provided to justice-involved, mental health, and recovery populations throughout Hamilton County....

Talent InSight Community Highlight – Carmel

  While Hamilton County transitions away from "bedroom" community status in 2025, Carmel has been past that job growth point for some time. By 2030 that difference is projected to be close to 20,000 more jobs than employed residents (while both statistics grow)....

Putting a Percent in Perspective

United Way has a socioeconomic measure of household vulnerability and poverty called ALICE. ALICE stands for Asset-Limited-Income-Constrained-Employed. These are working individuals who in most cases make enough money to pay their month-to-month expenses but are one...

Invest Launches Multiple New Programs

March and April 2024 have been and will be a period of growth and transformation for Invest Hamilton County. We have new initiatives launching in the disability employment, child care, reentry and K-12 spaces. These initiatives will help guide the continued growth and...

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