Invest Hamilton County

Life in Hamilton County 

February Featured Leader
February 13, 2023


Christine Altman

President, Hamilton County Commissioners

Q: What is something you would like the community to know about the role of county commissioner?

A: The Board of Commissioners serve as the executive and legislative branches of county government, each of the three commissioners must reside in a specific district of the county and elected by an at large, county wide, vote.

Q: What is one thing you believe the Hamilton County government does well?

A: Hire smart, competent individuals and let them do their jobs.

Q: What are three things you have learned while serving as a commissioner for Hamilton County?

A: Collaboration, both locally and regionally, produces results; County governmental responsibilities are much more diverse than I anticipated; and we have been very blessed to have the quality of public safety, public education, resources, public servants and forward thinkers in our county.

Q: What do you think Hamilton County’s greatest asset is?

A: Hamilton County has enjoyed continuity of leadership in county and municipal government. The consistent leadership has resulted in successful long-term planning and implementation of strategic initiatives and infrastructure.

Q: You have been involved in several organizations over your career. What one organization that you’ve been involved with would you like the community to know more about and why?

A: It’s difficult to choose one. One of the most impactful organizations to the county has been the Hamilton County Leadership Academy. Since I served as it’s first president, HCLA has graduated over 850 individuals who have lead and served Hamilton County. If anyone would like to integrate into the county, I would highly recommend that they consider this program.

Q: How long have you served as a commissioner?

A: This year marks the start of my sixth term as a commissioner.

Q: What is your professional role?

A: I have an accounting and a law degree from IU and recently moved to an “Of Counsel” role with my prior law firm of Altman Poindexter & Wyatt, LLC.

Q: What is your favorite place/activity in Hamilton County and why?

A: The White River – a close second to my opinion of the county’s greatest asset. Whether it is walking along Noblesville’s River Walk, enjoying the views from Conner Prairie, or launching my kayak from one of the many Hamilton County free access points (or from my friends at the White River Canoe Company), the river is always diverse and beautiful. I can’t wait to see how the river front will be activated by the White River Vision Plan.